
Plumber (1 year and 6 months)

Plumber Locksmith level 4, level training 1.5 years.
Type of study Form of studyPrerequisite to start Study time
Type of study Level educationForm of studyStationary school-basedPrerequisite to start Basic education Study time1 year 6 months

Persons with basic education who wish to acquire a profession are welcome to study the specialty.

The aim of the curriculum is that the student acquires knowledge, skills and attitudes that create preconditions for continuing studies and lifelong learning and enable to work as a skilled professional in a construction company.

A plumber acquires knowledge and practical skills in the installation of indoor water and sewerage systems, plumbing and household appliances. Job responsibilities of a plumbing locksmith include the installation of water and sewerage pipelines and the necessary equipment; maintenance of the building's water and sewerage system.

Studies are considered completed when the curriculum has been studied in full, the student has acquired the learning outcomes of the school curriculum at least at the threshold level and passed the Plumber Locksmith level 4 professional exam.

When starting to study in this curriculum, it is possible to receive support for participation in level studies. More information on support for participation in level education can be found on the website of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.